Saturday, December 31, 2005

December 2005

"It was like petting a pig with warts and hair...but it grew on you, you know?"

"Look you guys, I'm darker than these panties and I used to be way whiter!!"

"There's half-eaten bread all over the place and fart in the air!"

"My back hurts, you guys. (beat:) I feel like I did something I don't know about."

"Look, it's not like he's throwing his whole body at you, he's just throwing his crotch at you -- it's not gonna break you!"

"Like, earlier...with all the classical music and all the talkin'...I couldn't take it!"

A: "This is Nada Surf, right?"
B: "Sweet God! (beat:) It's Death Cab for Cutie."

"Wait...get out...we have to go! We're not staying for the wizard fight."

A: "You don't think it's going to explode, do you?"
B: "I don't know?...umm...I do know that our electronics have a tendency to get possessed."

"Is it about anarchy? (beat:) I don't think I can make an anarchy scarf."

A: "Lindsay, do you have any idea how many people you would have offended if they heard that?"
B: "I don't care! I have no respect for the Beth Orton worshipers."

"Look, you are trying to compare Michael Jackson and Liza Minnelli! We know Michael Jackson and Liza Minnelli are ghastly beasts, but that doesn't mean they sound the same!!"

A: (enormous belch)
B: "You are hidge!!"
A: " I just like that I can do it. If you could do it, you'd like it, too."

"Sian, seriously, where are the chairs?!! I'm sittin' on a mop bucket here."

"...And there's a tombstone on it that says 'Eddie'...oh wait, that's a chef hat."

"Okay...'Just Shoot Me' is not okay to watch in this house."

On phone: "Hey, I was just thinking about you yesterday!!...No, seriously, I was gonna text you, 'Where are my goddamn baby pictures?!!'"

A: "Parades love Sunday!"
B: "Ye-ah!!...they live for Sunday!"

A: "He wanted to know if I wanted a ride."
B: "Yeah, a ride to the alley, so he can fuck you!"

Re. a picture of the Lincoln Memorial:
"Abraham Lincoln looks drunk in this picture!"

"Uuurghh!!...she is drama. (beat:) Seriously, she needs some hobbies."

"He is the opposite of a drum machine. (beat:) He's like the ocean."

Re. circus animal cookies:
"What I was gonna say is, 'I know this is silly, but I feel like they baked them just for me.'"

"Yes!!!!...hip-hopera, here we come!!"

"Uuuurghh!!...I have a splitting headache. And it's not the's the fudge."

Boss re. her son's recital: "Yeah, third grade. (beat:) And you have never heard 'Hot Cross Buns' like these kids play it. Jazzy. Real jazzy."

"Honey, it hurts...and it's hilarious!!"

Re. a Barbara Walters special:
"But seriously...why aren't we getting high yet?, 'cause Heaven's about to be on!!"

Very seriously, re. Trapped in the Closet:
"Lindsay, this movie made me think a lot!"

"The last couple days I feel like I've...contracted scurvy."

"I love being so raunchy in's so fun!"

"Well if we're going to go to all this trouble, I'm going to have to get a caffeine-free Coke at some point."

Re. The Four Agreements:
"I printed it out. 'Cause I was like, 'God damn, what are the frickin' Agreements?!!'"

"I don't know what happened to her. (beat:) She didn't show up to the reunion, so I'm assuming she's fat."

"Well, ye-ah!, 'cause he wanted a lesbian on each arm...sheeit!"

"I totally kept that Commandment!! I'm not married, I'm straight...that's good, right?"

"We'll get along fine! I like steak...and shopping...and Hitler."

Re. Chinese actors playing Japanese characters in Memoirs of a Geisha:
MASAKI: "Japs can't act. It's not their fault."

"Look, she's a twenty-seven-year-old fat, lonely dyke who lives in Newport Beach...of course she thinks I'm amazing!!"

"So I met this straight guy!...We're gonna go cruisin' for chicks in Burbank."

"Yes!! Not all Americans are like the girls in American Pie."

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