Wednesday, February 28, 2007

February 2007

"Maybe we should have a general fund for chocolate."

"Isn't the movie a straight porn with gay actors...and singing instead of sex?"

Creepily serious:
"Leashes are great!"

A: "Honey, we're gonna see Music & Lyrics."
B (resignedly): "I know."

"Ooohh!!! Sea turtles!!! So cute!!!...oh wait, is that a sea turtle?"

"She's like a living dinosaur! Like a living...kind of glamorous...dinosaur."

"I hate's so hard!"

"Just look at her face! She has, like, an oil tanker with her name on it!"

"I was like, what?! What does that mean?!...But then I saw it, and I was like, 'Wow, that really was next-level hand puppetry!!' "

"Come here, kitty, I want to look at your genitals!"

"Lindsay, I'm addicted to sushi!...I'm starting to think it's a problem."

Boss shouting across office: "Everyone can have M&Ms except for Michael!"

"I think I'm gonna tell...I'm gonna tell a story of revenge. A Christmas story of revenge."

"Uh, no flaming skull, just him looking really pensive with a bad haircut. (beat:) In the mist, though."

"God damn polar bears, hell yeah!"

"I'm doing some major cleaning tomorrow, by the way. I'm gonna be here with labels and kitties, so some things are gonna be taken care of."

"It's not supposed to be like this!...It's supposed to make farting sounds, but it got wet."

"We're all, like, scrambling to be disappointed."

"This is everything wrong with this, distilled into one ninety-pound ball of hair."

"There's big news on the light bulb front!"

Two girls re. an embellished vintage sweater:
A: "I like the cloud, the cloud's my favorite part."
B: "That's like a mushroom."
A (excitedly): "Yeah, it's like a mushroom!"

Shouted at TV screen during Oscar pre-show:
"You're the most boring gay e-ver!"

"I don't know if she's a waitress, or one of those people who greets people at the door...'cause she's, like, retarded."

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