Friday, March 31, 2006

March 2006

A: "Just...take it back!"
B: "The movie or the DVD player?"

"It's time. It's time. I'm 24, it's time to wear some shorts."

Re. Flea the cat:
"Doesn't he look like a human inside of his face sometimes?"

A: "How was your day, lady?"
B: "It was fine. I got assloads of little coffee cakes, though."

"A smile and a good attitude is all you're bringin'...I have sunscreen."

"It looks like ringworm, but I think it's just...that he attacked his nipple."

"It's really overdoing it. It's like an SNL skit now."

"I can smell the Febreze from here!'s like living with David again."

After finishing phone call with customer:
"Wow, that was so much bullshit I didn't even know when to stop!"

"I think I need to experiment with different types of necklines."

"Well, the point is...they wear unitards and helmets and do karate moves."

A: "He wouldn't call you retarded."
B: "He might, Lindsay, he might. He's an awful man. (reflective pause:) No. Not really...just Asian."

"They're such a great couple! Talk about nonmonogamy."

"Oh my God I want this t-shirt so bad! Look at it...a hot dog high-fiving mustard!"

"If this is hell it's pretty sweet!"

"Educational building toy my foot! You just want to make a pirate castle."

"No toys? That's really sad...what about Lego?"

In a singsong voice, while looking out the window:
"Who wants to see a rainbow?...Pam?"

"Nothing is sacred. Not Jesus, not babies, nothing."

A: "If I had a ping-pong table would you play with me?"
B: "Yeah!"
A: "Do you think we'd get really good?"
B: "Yeah, we'd be like Asians!"

"Well, the Chinese are amazing at everything...they're like Nazis!"

A: "Sarah'd be happy. You would be happy. And Jon would be happy."
B: "It's true. We'd be like polygamists without the sex."

A: "He's like the Gallagher boy."
B: "Liam?"
A: "I don't know. Either one that sucks."

"Well, he did like the Cake-a-Walk, but he wouldn't like Lady of the Lake because he has prejudice in his heart."

"I'm so relieved. I took my car to Jiffy Lube this morning. It needed coolant. It needed to chill."

Lunatic coworker: "If Kathy has a BlackBerry, then that means I should have a BlackBerry."

A: "I don't sleep soundly at all."
B: "Oh, should join the Army."

"Our first order of business is to write a lesbo movie that doesn't suck."

"Are you mocking me with your nostrils?"

"It's too hot. When it burns your diaphragm, it's too hot."

Re. a suspected lesbian:
"She had volleyball written all over her."

Re. Stevie Wonder presenting an award to R. Kelly:
"It's like, 'Stevie Wonder! Of course you're presenting him with an award, you've never seen him!"

"I was like, 'What-eva!', and I pooped! I can do what I want!"

A: "What was the Word of the Day yesterday?"
B (pause): "You mean from"
A: "Yeah."
B: "Oh, I don't know. I don't get those emails."
A: "Oh, I don't either. I just wanted to know what it was."

"She looks like she's drunk or on drugs or something. Maybe it's the weight of her bangs holding down her eyelid."

"...and he's wearing white shoes, where is he, Florida?!"

A: "She may have become a nun."
B: "Seriously?"
A: "That's what I've heard."
B: "That would explain why she's not on MySpace."

A hands B a paper clip bent into the shape of a heart.
B: "Thank you! I will treasure it."
A: "No -- use it as a weapon."
B: "I will treasure it and use it as a weapon."

"I know Lindsay is all about the trivia...but I don't think we'll ever get her inside a Hooters!"

A: "Like I don't want to be there?! To see my mom get married?! She birthed me! know."
B: "I know."

"I've been having a really hard time telling middle-aged white men apart lately?"

"...Also, another gay thing about the terrier? The terrier has Seasonal Affective Disorder."

"Wait, we talk about Teri Hatcher, we just don't talk about how her eyelids look like labia."

" it was fun, I had some wine and a Percoset...and watched The Goonies."

"My grandmother used to say, 'Eat through the pain,' but she was a very large woman."

"You know what? Sometimes, I would kill for chopped liver."

"...So I'm broke, but I have a dog with short toenails!"

"I'm happy to announce that we have an assortment of muffins here."

Disgustedly, while looking at an accounting report:
"Is that still that Mendelsohn/Zien shit penny sittin' in there?!"

A: "Do you crave fatty foods at that time of the month?"
B: "I pretty much crave food all the time."
A: "Really? That's cool."

“It’s weird having a wife! I wanted to stay up and go on the internet, but I had to go to bed.”

Re. Belle & Sebastian:
"The songs would be so much better if they were sung by someone who had some balls...or a lady."

"Sometimes you do bad things and you feel good about it."

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