Friday, September 30, 2005

September 2005

"It is kind of small, it is old-school, but I'm not sure I'd call it 'hobbity'."

A: "I want to know what happened to Stina so bad!"
B: "I'm gonna say middle management."

"I'm getting a vintage Burberry trenchcoat for $22, thanks to Tina Turner who taught me how to chant."

"I'm not hearing a word, I'm...rummaging around in cheese."

"Okay, I just found someone really good-looking on the Discovery Channel...he's a crab fisherman!"

"I'm actually busy today, which is rare and kind of stupid...but I have to make a Cobb salad...and go see a movie...and there's talk of a cakewalk?"

Re. cakewalks:
"I was surprised to learn that the prize is actually cake, know what I mean?"

A: "So you hate Harold & Maude but you love Cat Stevens?"
B: "Yes."

"The only bar in Ephrata is exactly like the only bar in Ephrata would be...and it's lit like Wal-Mart?"

"I tried to pace his mom once when we were watching Finding Nemo, but I ended up getting tossed and going to bed."

Re. a love interest of questionable sexuality:
"Good luck with that shady Kinsey girl."

"We're not going to be doing anything that involves money, are we?, because I have, like, four dollars, and I kind of want some Kool-Aid."

"It contains the best dance ever...after he smokes crack with some hookers. (defensively:) He's a bad lieutenant. Imagine the worst lieutenant ever, and that's Harvey Keitel in Bad Lieutenant."

A: "...He kept saying things that were gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay--"
B: "Like what?"
A: "Like that he likes dressing like a Hardy Boy?"

A: "What is gayer than an interpretive dance about the life and times of Selena?!"
B: "What is gayer is that there was a sequence in the interpretive dance wherein Selena discovers that she has hips."

A: "I think I'm mad at Karl Lagerfeld right now."
B: "Because he designs with fur?"
A: "No...I'm not against animal cruelty?"

"Do you know what Karl Lagerfeld most dislikes? Monday mornings. (beat:) What is he, Dilbert?"

A: "Was that you making that rustling noise?"
B (making rustling noise): "Like this?"
A: "Yes."
B: "Yes. I was tap-dancing with my feet...I mean fingers."

Re. Fire Island:
"'s like the gay Shangri-La?"

Re. vegan jerky:
"It's like I'm chewing on an old, dried-up sponge...that's beef-flavored."

"The picture is, like, to die for, it's like strawberry heaven."

After a picture is taken:
"Wait, am I in that?, because you didn't give me time to craft my facial expression."

A: "I'm just sayin', they signed the mailing list, we should give 'em something."
B: "They got a pin...and rocked by us!"

"What is this magical dispenser??"

"Look, I know I have a butt chin, but I do not have Sara Gilbert's face!!"

"I have a letter opener, you's a cute little dagger."

"Look, you can suck my dick!, at least I'm not workin' at the call center for the gas company!"

"Where is this alleged Raisin Bran, dude?"

"Why have a dead flower when you can have a live succulent?"

"You guys, it's label-on-postcard time!!"

"Dude, I was crocheting at dinner, and it was so gratifying!"

"Damn!, my armpits stink, but I love it!"

"Wow, I think I'm venturing into a world I never dared."

"Oh my God, I have been high on more Christmases than is even funny."

A: "I just wanted to say 'patronize'."
B: "And 'chipotle'!"

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