Monday, September 22, 2008

September 2008

"They are a family to whom God gave the wife a cast-iron uterus."

An instant messenger chat excerpt:
I just typed this!!!
"do you think it is insensitive to have an ice cream social on sept. 11th?"

An instant messenger chat excerpt:
you know, rescheduling this ice cream social means that the terrorists DID win\

"Christmas is comin', and you know what that means! (beat:) Someone's gettin' cable!"

"What??! They stole your boat and gave you a noodle?!?!"

"I think you're ready for the leaking-fluid photo spot if you need it."

"Baby Jesus is against shrimp-flavored crackers."

Boss re. online video: "You want to listen to it again so you can hear the 'fuck it'?"

"Arhhhhhh!, I missed Bob Dylan last night -- that's why the Lord put me to sleep!"

"I don't want to eat pussy -- but I like hangin' out with ya!"

"Star Wars boy -- one with the yarmulke? -- he may be coming."

"Writing and sex are different!"

An instant messenger chat excerpt:
A: by garden squirrel you mean the plastic one that was in your room that Django loves?
B: no, the other one, the one that used to hold my keys

"Wait, it's a wedding and a basketball game?!"

"It modulates the amplitude...right?"

"He resembles a lot of mammals."

"Oh my God I love those mug shots!"

"There's nothing erotic about beer pong."

"Sean is like the funnier, meaner, Richard Simmons."

Boss: "Should I give this porn star money?"

Boss: "Oohh! NFL's hottest Latino cheerleaders!"

A: "Do you want to go to the breastmilk restaurant?"
B: "Yeah, kinda!"

Re. "extreme bocce":
A: "What makes it extreme?"
B: "Cactus."

A: "He's probably just praisin' Jesus."
B: "He's about to invade Poland!"

"He likes to look at cats he doesn't like!!"

"You know, another way I don't want to die is to be mauled to death by a dog."

Boss, re. coworker's child: "That was a pretty adorable fella, I gotta say. (beat:) No more abortions."

Boss: "I want a midget and a juice machine."

"All right -- well, if Kennedy doesn't die, someone's gonna have to answer to me."

Boss to employee: "Are you a fan of vampires?"

Boss: "When you have kids are you gonna take them to court?"
Employee: "What?!"
Boss: "I mean, church?"

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