Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 2009

"The editor's watching you stick your thumb in some cheese…it's not awesome."

"Whoa, I didn't realize you could be charged with Attempted Mayhem."

"It's scary and cute…it's got somethin' for everyone."

"It's acceptable if she's transgendered."

"It's not a joke...I have so much shampoo."

On the cross-section of society that is Blockbuster Video customers:
"Young. Old. Dicks."

On the Academy Awards:
"How can a cleft palate movie not win?"

A: "Have you had too much to drink, Sarah?"
B: "No, but I should have!"

Boss 1, on putting three donut holes in his mouth: "Never underestimate what I would do for a dollar."
Boss 2: "I woulda fuckin' done that for fifty cents!"

Boss: "If Iron Maiden hasn't recorded it I probably don't know the lyrics."

"Oh no, it's a classy wheelchair."

"You don't have to plead ignorance, you can just acknowledge it."

"You're like the Mickey Rourke of midget animals."

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