Friday, May 8, 2009

May 2009

"Their panties are like sweatpants for your vagina."

"It's the whole 'lady in the streets, freak in the sheets.' (beat:) I hate Usher, but that was wise."

"Thank you for allowing me to panic with you this afternoon."

"Do you know what Rhode Island is known for? Their seafood, seashore and costume jewelry."

Boss: "I learned about sausages this morning."

Boss: "Can I get back to you? I'm in the middle of a Twitter emergency."

A: "Are you a hippie?"
B: "No, but I do prefer going barefoot."

A: "Did you vote last night?"
B: "Yeah, I actually voted for some of the propositions."
A: "No, I mean for Idol!"

"I'm not worried about the Bacon Beat."

"Hey, I like bacon and maple syrup as much as the next guy, but not with alcohol."

"Isn't this great? You can do your own dental work now!"

"He kinda looks like a seal with a headdress."

"It's hard to hate a guy that's so nice...but it's not impossible."

"A hug from behind's fine, but, like...a linger from behind?"

"Come on, California. How am I ever supposed to have forbidden pre- or extra-marital sex? Give me some 'marital' to work with."

"Who do I really hate? Do I hate anyone here? (beat:) Oh, crap! I forgot to call Joe back!"

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