Saturday, April 30, 2005

April 2005

"Have you never had a mediocre Kalamata?!!"

Re. opening an espresso stand:
A: "There's one up for Wal-Mart."
B: "Well...location, location, location!"

" 'Let my people go!'...that's what that jam's about."

Re. an African-themed mural:
"But what is that black Egyptian doing there? I mean, aren't Egyptians all white? (pause:) I mean, olive-toned?"

Re. African-themed mural:
"Is that woman half-bird, or is she holding a canoe?...That's so weird!"

A: "You can Google anyone."
B: "You can't Google me."
A: "I guarantee you I can Google you."
B: "Well, there is this one Cease and Desist response letter to Yoko Ono...which I'm not going to go into."

"Ohhh...those three little bits of cheese I ate just now?...that did it. I'm Thanksgiving-full now."

"...and we almost ended up in the International District?...'cause we were, like, five kids with no sense of more ways than one??"

A: "I'm like a transexual!"
B: "Yes, a crazy one!, like you need a map to figure it out!...that's so cool!"

"I'm going to have church with that Sourdough Jack!!"

"Yeah, you could have just put it in the cup holder instead of calling me Root Beer Lady."

"Uh-oh...I've got a visitor under my blanket."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.