Monday, May 30, 2005

May 2005

"Dammit, I got schooled by the Hot Topic girl!!"

A: "She loves baseball movies!"
B: "What?"
A: "Yeah, what's that one with Geena Davis?"
B: "A League of Their Own? But what lesbian doesn't love that movie?!"

"I smoked Capris all night...just for effect."

Re. Three Men and a Baby:
A: " rented it?!!"
B: "No, Adriana owns it. She also owns Three Men and a Little Lady."

Re. Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin:
"I am skeptical of their relationship...I just wish US Weekly was too."

"I remember being really surprised that there was a hole other than the pee hole, like, really late in life."

"I like it 'cause it's, like, food and soup."

Re. seafood:
"I'm constantly asking Brian, like, how can you eat something that smells like a really rank women's bathroom?"

Re. a girl peeing on a wall:
"I was like, 'Do you have a penis?! that a skill I can learn?'"

"There was a period of time when anyone over six feet tall was very attractive to me. It didn't take much. (beat:) Except for Krist Noveselic!"

"They're kinda like gypsies, but they're more like...pioneers."

"...and by the way, that Paula Abdul CD you have??...packed with hits!!"

"You guys are so much gayer than the Backstreet Boys!!"

Re. Meat Loaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" on a jukebox:
"This song goes on forever, and I'm so not sorry for playing it."

"I'm like, 'For all I know, there are, like, tulips growing out of that toilet,' and they're like, 'Yeah, red ones!!'"

"Goose!!...He's wrong, Tom Cruise is a total goose!!"

"Look at all these ducks and geese. They're all fucked-up. They're just like anyone in Spokane."

A: "It took me a long time to love her."
B: "She's a sweetheart, but she's an abomination."

"Ummm...the best thing about Stella is her hatred of hands...which I will demonstrate now."

"Holy cow, there you go!...Okey dope, take a nap."

"Uh, would you be offended if I tossed this salad?"

A: "Who does he look like?"
B: "Oooh...I don't know!"
A: "Give me a celebrity. You can choose one for looks and one for aura."

"When I was first cast, I was all bummed out, 'cause I was like, 'Great, I'm playing a puppet!'-- and then when that happened I was like, 'Whatever! Pat me on the back! Playin' a role!' "

"Oh my goodness gracious, I'm so relaxed!!"

"I have a soft spot for acrobat families."

Re. coffee:
"This is really strong. I'm gonna be wired. (pause:) Maybe I'll clean the kitchen!"

Re. the difference between an affair and a fling, and if being on vacation is a mitigating factor:
A: "I don't know. How long is the vacation?"
B: "A week."
A: "I believe that's technically called 'Getting Your Groove Back'."

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