Wednesday, October 10, 2007

September, 2006

"Jupiter is not aligned with Mars but your vagina is."

A: "How's that rollin' up your pants going?"
B: "It's pretty fun, actually!"

"You're gonna ask Pam for advice about the belt, or Hitler?"

A: "Do you think I'm going to hell for that?"
B: "No!! Hitler's in my Top 8!!"

"That's a good attitude, pal...Hey, put that cookie down!!"

"Roseanne is Roseanne, but when she had children she was fuckin' Roseanne, you know?"

A: "Somethin' about little boys going on adventures."
B: "She does love little boys going on adventures."

"My mom had this friend who was just like her-- only older and fatter, but just like her."

"Then I thought it was Lindsay, but then I thought, 'No way, there was way too much effort put into this profile.' "

"My Fair Lady! It's gay in a homosexual way."

A: "What's the redhead's name?"
B: "Annie Potts."
A: "You mean your left boob?"
B: "Yes."

"So it started out as a feminist issue and then it became about pigs."

While reading a contract:
Boss: "It says 'pruning as needed,' but that says 'shaving of the pineapple'. It can't be the same thing!"

A: "Remember Maureen said bring good-luck charms to work?"
B: "What?"
C: "She said she's gonna bust out some rosary beads and a Mary."

"Dare I ask, though? I don't know if I could even handle a big ball of dough right now."

"That is a great find, and I would so rock it if it didn't smell like armpit."

"Come on! We are so considerate! I'm over this."

"Oh, that's what I meant-- a sled dog, not a horse."

"Whatever, you guys all said Louis Armstrong just because he's black."

A: "You do have toothpicks?"
B: "Of course, I use them to test my cakes!"

"I guess so. But there's a part of stampeding that I'm, like, really against."

"Domesticated role-playing games?! Lame!"

"I have to show you some pictures of my cats. I am that person."

"Oh, yeah, I was going to online-order. Because it's so much easier than dealing with a human."

"How would you describe flan?...It looks like creme brulee but it tastes like butt."

"Shut up! I hate you and I hate the way you move your hands when you talk!"

"So then I was thinking, don't boy cats have teats? Or am I just thinking of men?"

A: "But Lindsay, you have to ask yourself this: do you really want a bead curtain?"
B: "No."
A: "Exactly."

On phone:
"Well, Max is a great guy. Charles is a great guy, too. It's all going to come down to how you feel. (pause:) Yes, it is just like 'Two Princes' by the Spin Doctors."

"Yes. The name of the printer is Shalom Printing. (beat:) He's vegan."

"Well, you wouldn't be scared if I wasn't here rustling this paper!"

"Perhaps not in this situation, but I know I'm correct."

"Lindsay, in a few years from now, we'll come back to this conversation-- and you tell me Joe Schmoe Thai Guy isn't crazy."

A: "Is that weird?"
B: "Yeah!"
A: "Why?"
B: "You like dog shows!"

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